The Supercharged Therapist Method™
Online Course
Achieve MEASURABLE and RAPID results in a fraction of the time. Increase client outcomes and reduce your need to work hard by learning how to access the neural/fascial/lymph superhighway.
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the questions above, then this new MODALITY as an online course is for you.
Is this course right for me?
Remedial massage therapists, Myotherapists, Osteopaths, Sports Physiotherapists, Pilates instructors, Exercise Physiologists and anyone keen on THE WHY of the problem and not just the band-aid fixers out there. This technique originated from Osteopathic therapists as a way to treat the VISCERA and it’s adapted to access and treat the neural/fascial/lymph superhighways.
Have clients follow you for life!
Rapid and long-lasting POSITIVE effects in pain management. An automatic strategy to turn OFF the stress cycle and start breathing normally again. Returning to active daily living is something we overlook but the sense of self-empowerment that comes from homework that takes less than 10 minutes to do cement their sense of control for themselves.
- +200 Students all over the world
- over 30 Years of experience
- 100% Money-Back guarantee
Sue Levine –
Thank you for your message. Paula. I loved your Chapmans course & am using the reflex points all the time on my physio/ musculoskeletal patients as well as lymphoedema patients combined with other trigger points with amazing instant results. I would love to do a further course with you on this. I really enjoyed it and it goes really well with myofascial release and other tools I have acquired over many years so thank you!
I am looking forward to your myo-fascial release course this coming weekend. I did some courses with Tom Myers a while ago but I love your interactive straightforward approach.
I am fascinated by the Neurolymphatic system and in particular links to manual lymphatic drainage.
Sue x