Module 5 – The lower limb module offers ways to FAST TRACK positive clinical outcomes to common (and not so common) disorders of the foot, ankle & knee. Unravelling many pathologies of leg pain, myofascial pain syndromes, athlete overuse injuries and many systemic chronic conditions both in the lower limbs but ALSO due to secondary instability and weakness. Techniques AND THEIR ORDER is what makes the BIGGEST difference! You just have to establish neural strength first and that’s achieved using Chapmans Reflexes. You also learn clever ways to mobilise ankle and foot joints, tibia-fibula imbalance, MFR, MET and tricks to normalise any restrictions in the posterior knee – tricks that you possibly have NEVER used before.
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Time & Venue
May 10, 2023 (11:00 am) – May 10, 2023 (2:00 pm)
Virtual Meeting (Times are in AEST)