Shoulder pain and shoulder impingement are common problems for many people. They can be a result of an injury or overuse of the shoulder muscles. The pain is usually caused by inflammation in the tissues and joints.
This article will provide some information on how to reduce the pain and symptoms of shoulder impingement.
It includes three simple tricks that can be done at home to help relieve some of the pressure on your shoulders.
Common Causes of Shoulder Pain and Shoulder Impingement
The shoulder is a complex joint and has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body.
It is also one of the most mobile joints, which means it is susceptible to more injuries than other joints.
The shoulder injury comes in many ways, such as by a fall on an outstretched arm, or by repetitive overhead movements.
The causes of shoulder pain and shoulder impingement are varied and depend on the type and severity of the injury.
They include your age, occupation, physical activity level, and genetics.
Some common causes are:
- Overuse injury from repetitive overhead motions
- Muscle strain or sprain from falls onto outstretched arms
- Bursitis from overuse
- Rotator cuff tear from falls or contact sports
- Tendinopathies (Bruised Tendon)
- Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen shoulder)
Three Simple Tricks for a Quick and Lasting Relief on Shoulder Pains and Shoulder Impingement
Trick #1: Myofascial work with our Sternocleido Joint (SC Joints)
Now your Sternoclavicular Joint (SC Joint) is part of the clavicle. It’s also going to be affecting the scapula and how the shoulder sits in that socket space.
When we have fixations or stickiness in that SC joint, it can actually make a difference to the first rib.
This can cause a whole band of problems with the neck as well.
We’re applying some myofascial glides with our Sternoclavicular Joint.
- Drop down into the manubrium, the manubrial space and over onto the SC joint, thumb over thumb
- Compress down onto the SC joint and pushing it carefully
- Get your client to bend their elbows
- Have the client do some active movement
- Depress the SC Joints
- Draw down and back on that little saddle joint
- Encourage the SC joint to do its saddle action
At start this can be sticky and tender, but this is also a nice joint mobilisation technique.
Use it on anyone who’s exhibiting first rib stiffness, shoulder pathologies or even just when the SC and AC joints feel a little bit stiff and sticky.
Trick #2: Distraction and relaxation with Thera bands
When patients come to see us with aggressive chronic shoulder pathologies, it may be caused by inflamed tendons.
It can come from bursitis, tears and strains.
It can be part of adhesive capsulitis too.
We can do myofascial release techniques, glides and mobilisation techniques.
The gold nugget is what you can ask your patients to do for home care.
That’s what makes the difference.
Warning – this is contraindicated for patients with unstable or hypermobile joints.
Now, ask your patient to place that Theraband onto his/her shoulder as shown in the image above.
The other underneath the foot on the side of the complaint.
Let the Thera band sit at the humerus, not on the shoulder joint.
Do the pulling down then up as shown in the video.
Trick #3: Muscle Energy Technique to improve the Shoulders’ Internal & External Rotations
The Muscle Energy Technique is a physical therapy technique used to improve the mobility and function of muscles that are not working properly.
It is also used to help with pain management and reduce spasms in muscles.
This technique can be done by a therapist or by the patient themselves.
Let your patient lie down and do the following:
- Gently abduct the shoulder up to just slight of 90 degrees
- Let the arm passively externally rotate
- Then look at the patient’s internal range
- With 40% effort, ask the patient to push up into his/her arm,while you are holding it still. No movement for 7 to 10 seconds
- Patient then takes breath in and breathe out
- As the arm relaxes, don’t change our joint angles (post contraction relaxation phase)
- Do this for about 3x times
These techniques are awesome if you want to improve shoulder mobility and function.
They are brilliant in helping with pain management and reduce spasms in muscles.
Watch the full video demo of all three techniques here:
When people think of a solution for shoulder pain, they usually think of going to a doctor and getting prescribed medication. But what if there was an easier way?
The three tricks that we have mentioned in this article can be done anywhere and anytime.
It makes them a perfect solution to shoulder pain relief fast and lasting.