Module 1 – STOP stress before it STOPS YOU!!! Stress kills, now YOU can test for it, reverse it and apply the ULTIMATE combination of techniques to REDUCE pain and dysfunction. This is where Chapmans Reflexes comes in, as well as breathing techniques plus my customed unique treatment order that will BLOW your minds! DISCOVER the EASIEST and most EFFECTIVE ways to treat the psoas withOUT hurting your patient/client. You will LEARN how to treat short hamstrings better than EVER before with a 100% money back GUARANTEE. Waking up the diaphragm and hip flexors and the BEST progressive exercise approaches NEVER taught in college.
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Time & Venue
April 22, 2022 (8:30 am) – April 22, 2022 (11:30 am)
Virtual Meeting (Times are in AEST)